Case Studies
Case studies, projects, articles, and publications.
Systems Thinking
A systems thinking approach is first and foremost a way of looking at things. Thinking drives our models of the world. Change one’s thinking, and our new models and perspectives produce new outcomes and possibilities. Today’s world is one of interconnectedness, systems within systems, complexity, ambiguity, and uncertainty. Once thinking needs to embrace this VUCA world while still using best practices and understandings found in research. Best said by Paul Batalden is that, “Every system is perfectly designed to get the results you are getting.” If you want the results to change, then you need to understand the system.
Expert Witness
An expert witness his job is to take complex subjects and make them understandable. An expert is not an advocate for one side or the other but instead a seeker of truth. They recognize that multiple perspectives come to bear in understanding the question, analysis, conclusions, goals, and potential for improvement. An expert must remain current as the case law and societies values evolve over time. The expert’s greatest hope is to improve future outcomes as a way to respect the price paid for the knowledge that brought them there.
Business Strategy
Today’s businesses live in complexity and uncertainty. We feel the pressure and constraints of time, solution-centric thinking, the need to produce profit, and ultimately answer to others such as stakeholders, the community, the employees, or alignment with ones purpose. Defining and understanding an organization’s purpose is found in strategy and a systems approach. Combining decision science, sensemaking, Cynefin framework’s, the DSRP thinking of Cabrera, all give us insight to richer and more meaningful strategy.
Thinking about Systems
Systems, complexity, wicked problems, and law enforcement- a shift in thinking…
Brian Willis of Winning mind and Excellence in Training Academy and I were able to continue the conversation. The topic shifts to how we within law enforcement, the society that law enforcement operates in, and leaders of law enforcement could begin to explore the potential need shift in thinking to see the interconnections and relationships (a.k.a. a systems approach). In today’s world of polarization, complex problems, and differing perspectives, we need sensemaking and systems thinking. The ability to look and understand from multiple perspectives. Our conversation focused on how a systems thinking approach can benefit a range of persons from a new recruit to the seasoned leader and the citizens they serve. As always, the conversation gave me insight and a sense of gratitude that people such as Brian and others like him are out there expanding minds one person at a time.

Evolving Decision-making in law enforcement
The Value of a Frame…
In 2021, the Society of Decision Professionals (SDP) held the annual International DAAG conference virtually. While COVID Could have prevented interaction, stimulation of thought, and flow of ideas, this conference not only met but exceeded all of those expectations. I was lucky enough to be accepted as a speaker on a panel of learned researchers and practitioners to speak about the value of frames and framing as related to decision-making, specifically within law enforcement. On top of that, the conference was amazingly well run (Special thanks to Hilda), and I was lucky to have facilitators such as Lindsay and Terry, as well as great fellow panel members. I have attached a link to the slide deck presented and the full panel presentation can be found on the SDP site under DAAG 2021.

Developing a richer understanding of the decisions we make
Improving the quality of our decisions…
I had the pleasure of being interviewed And having a conversation with Brian Willis of Winning mind and Excellence in Training Academy. The topic was how we within law enforcement, the society that law enforcement operates in, and leaders of law enforcement could begin to explore decision-making from different perspectives. In today’s world of complexity, wicked problems, and the constant barrage of information and opinion, decision-making is one of the most critical and under taught skills. The good news, is that there is much research in this area that is easy to digest and can give us insight. A shout out to Brian and people like him who seek to understand things from different perspectives and then pay that understanding forward.

Society for the Advancement of Management (SAM); Conference 2021
Speaking with Academia, practitioners, & students of management…How can management research contribute to justice reform?
A shout-out and thanks to SAM for their recent conference. I have always been impressed by this organization. Yes, they are the oldest society that focuses on management. Yes, they are mentors to their collegiate chapters and give back to the community and shape those to follow…But what some people may not know, is that they are focused on inclusion and entertaining other disciplines to have the needed conversations of today. Myself, Chief Ken Wallentine, Dr. William Lewinski, and Dr. Paul Taylor were invited to present and have a conversation about the intersection of management and policing. It was well worth the time as in any conversation, it is a beginning. Thanks and appreciation to SAM, President Avi, and President-elect Elkins. Special thanks to the “make it happen” guys, Professors Kheirandish and Patrick Endicott.

Evolving decision-making for law enforcement
Changing focus from solution-centric to sensemaking; recognizing that complexity, and systems are managed not solved…
I had the pleasure of presenting to the Society of Police and Criminal Psychologists during their virtual/national conference for 2020. The conversations were insightful, enjoyable, and people-centric. The poster represented (which is accompanied by a five-minute recording) was a sister companion to the slide deck and presentation (which is accompanied by a 15-minute recording). Please feel free to reach out if you would also like any of the recordings.

A Visual Exploration of Decision-making; Evolving the Law Enforcement Frame
Society of police and criminal psychologists, 2020 conference and poster presentation.
I had the pleasure of presenting to the Society of Police and Criminal Psychologists during their virtual/national conference for 2020. The conversations were insightful, enjoyable, and people-centric. The poster represented (which is accompanied by a five-minute recording) was a sister companion to the slide deck and presentation (which is accompanied by a 15-minute recording). Please feel free to reach out if you would also like any of the recordings.

Honest but not accurate…
Officers can lose their jobs and be prosecuted when their version of events is inconsistent with video evidence.
Dr. John R. Black, DBA joins Force Science’s Von Kliem to answer whether contradictions are necessarily evidence of deception or instead reflect the predictable outcome of comparing imperfect video against imperfect humans.

The Village Resiliency Project
(FINDEV, 2018)
The village resiliency project focused on the interconnection of United Nations sustainable development goals and the ability to make a hypothetical village in the central African Sub-Sahel region resilient. Long-term planning, incorporation of multiple SDG’s formed a concept where multiple dimensions of the society were improved simultaneously to ensure resilience. The goal here is to make those that are assisting and providing assistance obsolete as quickly as possible so that the users of the aid, knowledge, and resources become self-sufficient and resilient.